Thursday, March 15, 2012

Elementary+ Activities: Snow Fun

by Tiffany Rudd

We have had the strangest winter here in Northern Utah. We’ve lived for the past 4 years in Memphis, Tennessee where it only snows a few inches a few times each winter. So, when we were moving back to Utah we told the kids all about “Utah Winters... with tons and tons of snow to play in all the time!” We’ve literally had two or three storms this year that left enough snow on the ground to play in. Apparently we brought the Memphis winters back with us. 
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely not complaining about the 60 degree weather we have enjoyed this week. I’m loving the warmth and sunshine as much as the kids are, but a whole lot of snow can be fun too. 
So, when I saw snow in the forecast for this weekend (crazy to even imagine after this week), I decided to share a fun snow activity I did with the kids a few weeks ago. Who knows, this next storm may be our last chance to use it this winter? It’s still only the middle of March. Crazy.
The only supplies you’ll need for this activity are some kind of squirt bottle and food coloring. 

I found bottles just like these at Walmart for $0.99 each. I originally bought them for ice cream toppings at Anniston’s birthday party, but they’ve been used for a bunch of other projects since. You could probably use any empty squeeze type bottle (from syrup, mustard, or even hair products). Gotta love reusing things you already have around the house.
All I did was fill each bottle with water and enough food coloring to make the shade I wanted. Then the kids and I headed out in the snow to have some fun!
Brooklyn is 4, so she had a great time “decorating the snow” with letters of the alphabet, numbers, and her name. 
For Cameron, who is 6, I called out sight words for him to spell. He had fun trying to spell each word faster than the last. I love it when educational activities just feel like fun!
After the yard was covered with letters, numbers, and words, the left over colors went to decorating our snowman. 
After the kids had warmed up with some hot chocolate, they immediately asked if we could do this activity again. Do you think we’ll get the chance this year? 

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